Pigeon Pose is a great pose for opening the hips. From all fours, slide the right knee forward, and lower the thigh to the right heel. To deepen the stretch, take the right foot away from the thigh and then resettle, ensuring that you are maintaining equal weight on each hip.
Place the top of the left foot on the mat. Place a blanket under the left foot if this is tricky. You can also place a blanket, cushion or block under the left hip to support it.
Hands can be on the mat, or lower to elbows or forehead. Keep hips parallel.
Push the toes of your left foot away from you to increase the hip stretch.
If your forehead is on the mat, you can also add a side stretch for the obliques by placing your fingertips on the mat, creating a ‘wigwam’ as in the photo above.
Avoid this version of the pose if it causes hip or knee pain.
The pose particularly works on the piriformis muscle, which is linked to a type of sciatica:
There are many variations and modifications available in pigeon pose. This is just one version. If this version is too painful for the hips, you can bring your right knee forward and then sit on the right hip, extending the shin so that it is parallel to the front of the mat. You can then bend the left leg so that you are seated in a Z shape. Place your hands either side of the right thigh.
Another version is to lie on your back, with feet on the mat. Take your right ankle and place it on the left thigh. To deepen the stretch, lift your left foot and take your hands around the left thigh, drawing it carefully in towards you.
Repeat the pose on the left side.
check out the following for further inspiration to begin your yoga journey:
Beginners are welcome to all classes at Ellie Stafford Yoga. See https://www.elliestaffordyoga.co.uk/classes-workshops/ and https://www.elliestaffordyoga.co.uk/timetable/ for details.
See also the following articles:
For a Beginners Guide to Yoga: https://www.elliestaffordyoga.co.uk/a-beginners-guide-to-yoga/.
For Reasons To Do Yoga: https://www.elliestaffordyoga.co.uk/reasons-to-do-yoga/.
Ellie Stafford
500hours Advanced Yoga and Restorative Yoga Teacher
Registered Yoga Alliance